Monday, February 14, 2011

In class discussion

During the second group's discussion I was sort of puzzled that so many people seemed to be on the side of Eunice over Lenny. To me it seems like Lenny is a much better overall person, and shows many signs of unselfishness, especially in the last section of the text where he helps (offers a monetary aid) out a former media friends of Noah's and also another child on the street. On the other hand I think Eunice is a much more self centered person, and only helps others in order to feel the satisfaction of accomplishment, as she does little else with her life. If you recall earlier in the book when she is chatting with her sister, she keeps injecting about how she is helping out at an abused woman facility, in a sense saying that her stay in Rome wasn't completely worthless. Also in the debate of whether Lenny has feelings for Eunice, I think that in his own way his manipulating ways are the only way in which Lenny can actually attract a woman of Eunice's caliber. I also believe that Lenny truly loves Eunice in his own weird way, which is the main reason he wouldn't let her go to Tompkins park, because of his love for her, and the fact that he didn't want anything to happen to her!


  1. I happen to agree with you. I was a little confused as to why people were more on Eunice's side. I think it has to do with her youth. It is easier to identify with her because she is more in our age group, and we've probably felt something similar, if not equal, to the feelings she's had. (Minus the sleeping around.. hopefully).

    But honestly, I didn't see her in the light most other people saw her in. I thought she was selfish and self centered, because really, she is. In the end she actually redeems herself a little, but as you progress through the book (I won't give away the ending for those that haven't read it), she really shows her true stripes and illustrates the point of selfishness not only in her choices, but in the youth she is representing.

    Even though I found Lenny a little irritating, I was on his side the entire time. He loved her, he wanted the best for her, he wanted to spend time for her and provide for her. Selfish or not, he loved her and put up with her almost bi polar behaviors. He put up with her abuse and still took care of her when the world around him was crumbling, and he could have easily found someone else as attractive.

    I guess that's just what I think.

  2. Great points from both of you! It's too bad we didn't have an opportunity for a debate on the issue after each group concluded.
